Council News: Announcing the officer positions for the new BFC Council members.

We recently held our officer elections and here are the results:

  • Chair: Yuki Jones
  • Vice Chair: Mika Rothstein
  • Administrator: Peter Reiner
  • Treasurer: Gary Hillier
  • Scribe: Hye Jin Suzuki

The new Council looks forward to supporting Pastor Justin and helping to make some great decisions for BFC!

Welcome to our new incoming Council members for the 2022-2024 term – Philippa Clarke, Mika Rothstein, Yuji Mizuguchi and Kimiyo Matthews!

And we especially would like to thank the outgoing council members for their commitment, investment, and service to BFC over the past two years: Susan Bouachri, Rob Kitchens, Marina Falconi and Grace Ross!