Father and Mother Moon

Reverend Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon are the beloved founders of our faith community, whose lives have been a testament to love, peace, and unity. Together, they have dedicated their hearts and souls to promoting a vision of a world where all people live as one family under God.

Their profound teachings have inspired millions to lead lives of compassion and integrity. Reverend Moon's profound spiritual insights and Dr. Han Moon's nurturing leadership continue to guide our community towards a brighter future. We honor their legacy by striving to embody their principles in our daily lives, fostering harmony and understanding among all.

About Us

Our Values

  • Unconditional Love

    We strive to be people who can embody True (unconditional) Love and believe that True Love is the strongest force in the universe.

  • Authenticity

    We believe that the greatest offering we can make to the world is being true to who God created us to be and offering our full selves. It’s more important to be true than to be “perfect.”

  • Family

    Our community exists for the sake of empowering families and future generations. We prioritize family in all that we do because peaceful happy families create a peaceful happy world.

  • Faith and Substance

    We are committed to creating a new world centered on love for God, creation and one another. Therefore we do what works, what moves our reality closer to the vision and adjust when things aren’t working all the while seeking guidance from the spirit.

  • Unified Diversity

    We honor and celebrate the diverse cultures of our families, recognizing the traditions and experiences each family brings. These are valuable sources of wisdom and insights, creating an inclusive community.

Our Origin

The heart of the Unification movement Rev. and Dr. Moon founded is the recreation of God's ideal family. Beginning from their own Marriage Blessing in 1960, Father and Mother Moon are calling men and women to transcend race and religion, rebuilding the family as the vessel of true lasting love, and the cornerstone of world peace through the Marriage Blessing.

This tradition of God-centered marriage provides a powerful model for building a family of true love, and expanding in life, to establish a foundation for lasting peace. Unificationists affectionately refer to the Rev. and Dr. Moon as True Parents for their taking on the role of parents to all of humankind.