Financial Report2023-04-21T14:22:13-04:00

Your donations help us to serve our community.

Our most recent quarterly financial report summary is provided below.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact

Thank you for your generosity!

Belvedere Family Community
Income & Expense
Quarterly Report
Sept-Nov 2022
Tithe / Donations $ 75,662
Other Income $ 10,052
Total Income
$ 85,714
Contributions $ 15,616
Belvedere Rent / Insurance $ 2,800
Program & Project Exp $ 14,241
Utility & Maintenance $ 21,795
Transportation / Travel $ 303
Payroll Expense $ 26,799
Total Expense
$ 81,554
Net Income/(Loss)
$ 4,160

Past reports are viewable on next pages.


Tithes = Donations from our members
Other = income received from various other sources, including support from church headquarters

Contributions = funds offered from BFC to our headquarters
Rent/Insurance = self explanatory
Program/Project = various activities and events
Maintenance = repairs and upkeep of our buildings
Travel = typically pastor’s transportation costs for church activities
Payroll = support for our pastor and staff

Note that all amounts are quarterly totals for a three month period.

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