Dear brothers and sisters,

This is the reminder for the Matching Supporters’ Office Hours:

For parents 
In person – Saturday, May 28 @Belvedere Training Center, 4:30-5:30pm
In case you can’t find us there you can reach out to Masae’s cell: 845-248-1505

Virtual meeting – Saturday, May 28 @ 6-7pm

Meeting ID: 763 434 5697

+16465588656,7634345697# US (New York)
+13126266799,7634345697# US (Chicago)

For applicants and candidates 
Virtual meeting only – Sunday 28 @ 10am-11am

This is the support meeting for the matching and blessing journey and it will be held every month. More details on hours and dates will be followed every month.

You can share your testimony, concerns or questions and MatchNet technical support, etc.
Feel free to bring anything to the table as this is a safe place for any type of discussion to take place.

Confidentiality: Please note that the contents will be shared in the meeting are strictly confidential. You can not share other people’s comments, situations or names do not belong to you. It is only free to share your own information, testimony or take aways. 

Thank you so much!

Masae Joseph
Matching supporter
BFM Rep. Belvedere community