As of our recent meeting on 6/14, we say goodbye to our Council members who have completed 2 years – Susan Bouachri, Rob Kitchens, Grace Ross and Marina Falconi – highlighted in the photo below. It’s a bittersweet goodbye, as they each contributed so much. We will miss them! ♥️♥️♥️

But we are very excited to welcome our new Council members for the next two years – Phillipa Clarke, Mika Rothstein, Yuji Mizuguchi and Kimiyo Matthews! (highlighted in photo below)

Our meeting on 6/14 was mostly a chance to hear reflections from both outgoing and incoming members. In two years, a lot of camaraderie builds up between Council members. Nevertheless, change is always exciting, and we look forward to seeing how the new “mix” will support Pastor Justin and our BFC Community over the next 2 years.

 Apart from the transition portion of the meeting, we also discussed our usual committee reports and heard Pastor Justin’s Update. As you can see in the photo above, we’ve made some good progress towards many of our goals, and continue to move forward!  

We encourage community members to observe Council meetings. If you’d like to observe, just let us know by sending an email to